Award in Foundations of dental science 120 ECTS




Students will learn how the dental/medical knowledge acquired is applied in the context of foundational medical and dentistry scenarios, and will be able to communicate such knowledge using the medical register in the target language. Students will develop learning skills that they will be able to transfer to their further studies in the target dental and other medical courses. The Award leads to continuation of studies in the dental or medical fileds.


This is a residential Award aimed at Italian students intending to progress their studies in dental and / or medical fields in the European context, and who will reside in Malta for their studies. Market research by EIMS has shown there is a clear demand for this service taught in an English-language social and cultural environment that is close to Italy, such as Malta. The language of instruction shall be Italian, except for the foreign language units. 


Applicants are required to have achieved High School Diploma (HSD) as per the Italian educational system, or equivalent (EQF5) All applicants shall undergo an inteview at point of application, to be carried out face-to-face or by video-call. The purpose of this interview shall be a) to verify the documentation of the application, b) to ensure that the applicant and his/her family are fully conversant with the requirements of residential tuition in Malta, and c) to verify that the applicant has sufficient communicative competence in English to undertake the Award with profit and communicate in the Maltese social context. If the EIMS Admissions Board as per the EIMS QA Policy deems that an applicant has satisfied a) and b) above but not c) , it shall reserve the right to request the applicant to undergo an additional foundational communication course in English, prior to commencement of the Award or concurrently in the first semester. This course can be by an accredited English Language school and/or leading to a recognized EFL qualification. 

Way to Acquire:

The Award shall be assessed by a mix of interactive lectures with theoretical and practical components. Lectures are typlically 50 minutes long, starting with a presentation of the lesson summary and completed with lesson synthesis and a Q&A session. The practical component, structured in conjunction with the theoretical component, consists of weekly classes of 110 minutes. It includes laboratory work with anatomical models. The syllabus will be taught using the support of multimedia devices. Relevant theoretical concepts will be exposed in the classroom. Discussion based on %22problem issues%22 will be promoted. In each of the medical and dental science units, lecturers shall be a mix of medical or biology experts who will provide the relevant knowledge, coupled with practicing dentists who will contextualize this knowledge in relevant dentistry scenarios. The language of instruction will typically be Italian, but may vary, especially in the second year, from unit to unit according to the lecturers and to enhance the language competence of particpating students.

OUTLINE of course